Beginning Wednesday, JANUARY 8, 2025

An excellent way to deepen your walk with Christ is to be part of our MIDWEEK Discipleship Ministry.  During the school year (August—May), a wide variety of Bible studies are provided for adults on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 PM UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED  These studies cover a wide gamut of topics and can range from four weeks up to twelve or so weeks in duration. 

-scroll down to see info about classes- 

-please use sign up form below to let us know which class you will be attending- 


LIFE with KIDS– This ongoing group is designed primarily to offer those with kids a weekly dose of encouragement and insight.  A variety of topics will be discussed – parenting issues, relationship issues, keeping your family spiritually strong, etc.  You do not have to tackle this season of life alone...come join the fun.                     

Led by: Kathryn Harper

Room: A110 (First Floor in the Adult Wing)

Cost: FREE

6pm - LADIES

Do you constantly compare yourself with others? On social media, in your neighborhood, at church, or in the school drop-off lane, do you push yourself to prove that you measure up . . . and then feel ashamed when you don’t? Measuring yourself against others isn’t healthy. And it isn’t God’s plan. In fact, the way of Jesus is completely upside down from this measure-up world. He invites us to follow him and be restored to freedom, confidence, and joy.


Led by: Carla Whitt

Room: A202 (Second Floor)

Cost: $10


Pastor Daniel’s Bible Study

In Exodus we witness God beginning to fulfill His promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Though the children of Israel were enslaved in a foreign land, God miraculously and dramatically delivered them to freedom.  God reveals himself to his chosen people.  This book helps us understand the entire Bible's message of redemption.

Led by: Pastor Daniel Harper


Cost: FREE


Everyone loves a good story. But the parables of Jesus are a special kind of story. They sneak up on us, catching us off guard. The familiar suddenly takes an unexpected twist. During Jesus' earthly ministry people would gather from far and wide in order to listen to what Jesus said about the kingdom of God, and the most common way He would explain the kingdom was in parables. 

Led by: Randal Whitt, Associate Pastor

Room: A204 (Second Floor)

Cost: FREE

4pm -


Experiencing God : Knowing and Doing the Will of God

FACT:  God is at work around you.  Question:  Will you join Him?  Through this classic study God can teach you how to: know when He is speaking to you; recognize His activity around you; adjust your life to Him and His ways; identify what He wants to do through you; respond to His activity in your life. 

Led by: Cathleen Brewer

Room: A108 (First Floor in the Adult Wing)

Cost: $15


Ongoing: Our midweek rehearsals are designed to help us be ready to lead our congregation in worship each week.

Sign up for a MIDWEEK class by using this form