Our FALL 2021 MidWeek Ministries are quickly approaching. Here is some helpful information:
5PM - 5:45 Dinner - BE SURE TO SIGN UP THROUGH THE CHURCH OFFICE IF YOU PLAN TO EAT WITH US. Remember, we do not carry over names from semester to semester. Everyone is asked to sign up so we can have the most accurate count as possible to be good stewards of God’s resources.
OPTION 1: Standing Reservation - Pre-pay for meals a month at a time.
OPTION 2: Week to week: It’s okay to sign up each week BUT YOU MUST SIGN UP BY NOON ON MONDAY OF EACH WEEK.
PLEASE CALL THE CHURCH OFFICE (903) 872-5601 or email: adra@nbchurch.net to let us know you will be eating with us.
4PM - LADIES Class with Cathleen Brewer (NO Child Care Available)
7:00PM - Choir Rehearsal in the Choir Room
All Kid, Student, and Adult Ministries will begin
Click HERE to see the MID-WEEK classes being offered for ADULTS